NFT Item (Under Development)

Mystery Boxes could contain various items which could aid users in their day-to-day use of Gritti, or modify their Sneakers in desirable ways. All items will be NFTs which could be tradeable via the marketplace. We envision several different types of items:

Running Items

These items are what we would consider to be items which could be applied to the day-to-day running on Gritti. “Common” items could include Energy Recovery Speed enhancers, Sneaker repair potions. Other, rarer items could include Energy potion (one-time increase in Energy), etc.

Minting Items

These items are used to alter the minting probabilities and costs of the Sneaker NFTs, which could include anything from “resetting” the number of mints on the shoe (very rare) all the way to items that provide a slight improvement in the probability of having a better mint outcome.

Sneaker Items

These Sneaker items are used to change aspects of the individual Sneaker NFTs, and provide ways to dramatically alter their attributes. “Common” items would include attribute randomizers (keeping the quality constant). Less common items could reset the upgrade points on the Sneaker (similar to a ‘re-spec’ in other games. Even more rare could be items which could increase the rarity of a Sneaker.

Other items may also be launched in combination with various game modes and events, which could enhance your Sneakers’ ability to participate in these game modes.

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