Optimal Pace

Details to be released

Gritti is looking to create an adaptive and innovative Sneaker NFT system that allows for true individualism in both function and form. Therefore, we have taken inspiration from the characteristics of real sneakers, whether that be components or optimal pacing.

  1. Pace: the time needed to run or walk 1km

  2. Optimal Pace: The pace required to earn the maximum amount of GRI for the Sneaker given its efficiency. This is determined by the “bounce” parameter.

  3. Maximum (slowest) and Minimum (fastest) Pace: The range of pace in between a Sneaker can earn GRI. Note that if you are running/walking at a speed outside of this range, not only will Energy and Durability be deducted, no GRI will be earned.

    The relationship between pace and revenue is a parabolic curve, as shown in the figure below:

4. Weight determines the difference between the fastest and slowest pace for a pair of Sneakers. The higher the weight, the narrower the “tolerance band” between the fastest and slowest allowed pace for the Sneaker. It is worth noting here that Weight is the only “negative” parameter (i.e. all the other parameters are better the larger number they are). However, given that Gritti is mimicing the characteristics of real sneakers, lighter shoes are generally better, all else being equal.

5. Bounce and Weight cannot be altered with levelling or repairs, but could be tuned via Components (functionality coming soon).

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