Monopoly Mode

Similar to Monopoly, however, instead of purchasing the “land”, users can “stake” route/trails that they “land on”. Upon successful staking of a route/trail, if any user (”Challenger”) other than the owner runs on the route/trail (over 50% overlapping), a rent will be extracted from the Challenger. The exact amount would be the difference between the challenger’s theorectical GRI earning and actual GRI earning during this run.

The route/trail can have multiple owners and earnings will be shared on a pro rata basis amongst them, based on the initial mint/purchase cost.

Gritti users will be able to earn GRI by staking such routes/trails, incentivizing users to explore new routes/trails. Initially, all the most popular destinations will be staked immediately and possibly with multiple owners (details to be disclosed); as more people “crowd” the staking pool, returns will become less in popular routes, creating a spillover effect for other locations, especially the most scenic ones. Given Challengers are not losing GRIs, Challengers can still enjoy the fresh and fulfilling runs.

Last updated